1) You’re no longer your kid’s cen­ter of atten­tion
You’ll now have some extra time to do some­thing you like.

2) They find hilar­i­ous ways to enter­tain them­selves — and you as well
They’ll find unique ways to play together.


A few years after #


3) Cats are very flex­i­ble and almost always land on their feet
Cats can be eas­i­er for a kid to han­dle (com­pared to a dog). Since they won’t be hurt if dropped or giv­en bear hugs.

4) Lever­age your cat at mealtimes
I’ll use the phrase Come eat, before the cat gets here first”. Still works for me with our com­pet­i­tive 4 year old.

5) Cats are good for you health
Own­ing a cat can decrease chances of chil­dren devel­op­ing aller­gies. Addi­tion­al­ly, cat own­ers have reduced risk of stroke and heart attacks. ^2

Fos­ter Option
If you’re con­sid­er­ing whether a cat’s a good fit for your fam­i­ly, you can try fos­ter­ing first. 

You’ll be giv­ing a kit­ty the oppor­tu­ni­ty to find a per­ma­nent home by car­ing for it until they’re old enough to be adopt­ed. And you’ll get the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see if a cat will work with your fam­i­ly. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, aller­gies seem to be the biggest issue.

I per­son­al­ly love the fos­ter­ing expe­ri­ence, not only because I enjoy tak­ing care of ani­mals. But also because my son expe­ri­enced tak­ing care of small­er liv­ing beings and since we fos­tered a pair of kit­tens he was able to see dif­fer­ent cat per­son­al­i­ties (one was shy while the oth­er was outgoing).

Also, there is always a sur­prise fac­tor with the fos­ter kit­tens, ours result­ed to be a Maine Coon.

Look here for a list of shel­ters near you.

Fun Cat facts

  • Basi­cal­ly all car­toon cats lied to us: Raw fish and milk are off the table for cats.

  • A cat can jump up to five times its own height in a sin­gle bound.

  • There are cats who have sur­vived falls from over 32 sto­ries (320 meters) onto con­crete.

  • Black cats are bad luck in the Unit­ed States, but they are good luck in the Unit­ed King­dom and Australia.

  • Approx­i­mate­ly 13 of cat own­ers think their pets are able to read their minds.

  • Cats are said to detect earth­quake tremors 10 or 15 min­utes before humans can.

  • Cats have a low­er social IQ than dogs but can solve more dif­fi­cult cog­ni­tive prob­lems when they feel like it.

  • Cats use their whiskers to detect if they can fit through a space.

  • Most cats don’t like water because their coats do not insu­late them well enough.

  • If your cat were big­ger, it would eat you. They’re nat­ur­al hunters.

Relat­ed Articles

: Web­MD

: BBC News

: USA Today